Call Adam at 916.837.2472

Become a Celebrity in Your Neighborhood

Generate New Customers With Top-of-Mind Brand Advertising

Work with Adam Novak

I’ve been in this industry for over 14 years, helping owners grow their business.



Grocery Stores Available

Safeway, Savemart, Smiths, Foodmaxx, Vons and Ralph’s

Locations Served

Northern California
Cartvertising Featured Image
Why Shopping Cart Advertising Really Works
Build Recognition With Repetition
Studies show the average person needs to see an ad 7-21 times before they’ll remember it. With Cartvertising, shoppers view your message 1-2 times a week, month after month. That's 52-104 times a year!
Eye-Catching Messages
While they shop, 20,000 weekly shoppers are in front of your brand. Grab their attention with an eye-catching message. Our Art Department will work with you to create a persuasive, full-color magazine quality ad that gets your brand noticed!
Target Local Shoppers Likely to Buy
Place your advertising in the same communities where your potential customers live, not zip codes away! Choose from over 9,000 available grocery stores in the U.S. and Canada to target ideal customers within a 3-5 mile radius.
Deliver Your Message Directly
Shopping cart ads don’t need to be picked up, scrolled past, or turned on. They’re inches away from your prospect’s fingertips for 45+ minutes a week. This extended exposure puts your brand top-of-mind. Try not to see us!
Profitable, Proven Advertising
An investment in Cartvertising is a profitable and proven one! All advertising campaigns need four elements to be successful; Repetition, Appeal, Targeting, and Exposure. Cartvertising’s high mix of RATE and low-cost are what make our program so successful.

Why Cartvertising Works

Cartvertising Nose Explainer

Digital Boost Explainer

MapBoost Explainer

Digital Integration Explainer

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Increase Your Reach with Digital Boost

Digital Boost pairs online banner ads with your in-store advertising to speed up and increase impressions and performance.

Be On Your Way to Celebrity Status

Complete the form and I will contact you within 1 business day to discuss available grocery stores, weekly impressions, and how to get started.