Call Ann at 970.331.2060

Reach Thousands of Local Shoppers Daily

Generate New Customers With Targeted Coupon Advertising

Work with Ann Marcus

  • A dynamic, seasoned marketing & sales executive with business management skills to drive revenue, market share and profit performance.
  • Has worked with large Rolodex of small-medium businesses to fortune 500 companies and has relationships in the media industry.
  • B2C and B2B marketing experience.
  • Turn-around expert focused on KPI, data driven results through strategies and action plans.
  • Expert marketing and media strategist, expert buyer in all media.
  • Digital media expert with advanced experience in Programmatic, Attribution, E-mail, SEM, SEO, paid social, OTT.



Grocery Stores Available


Locations Served

South Texas
Register Tapes Unlimited at IndoorMedia
Why Coupon Receipt Advertising Really Works
Target Local Shoppers Likely to Buy
Place your advertising in the same communities where your potential customers live, not zip codes away! Choose from over 9,000 available grocery stores in the U.S. and Canada to target ideal customers within a 3-5 mile radius.
Success by Association
Local grocery stores are seen as trusted, professional members of the community. Being featured in one of the most respected businesses in your neighborhood gives your business an implied endorsement.
Built-In Category Exclusivity
RTUI customers enjoy built-in category exclusivity. Meaning, we limit the number of same-category businesses that can advertise on the receipts at a specific grocery store. Lock out your competitors and ensure your coupon is the one local shoppers have in their hands!
Profitable, Proven Advertising
An investment in RTUI is a profitable and proven one! All advertising campaigns need four elements to be successful; Repetition, Appeal, Targeting, and Exposure. RTUI high mix of RATE and low-cost are what make our program so successful.
Precise Targeting
Virtually everyone in your trading area has to stop at your local supermarket weekly to get supplies for their family. About 85% of the supermarket’s traffic comes from within a 2-3 mile radius. This eliminates waste by reaching only those people who are most likely to come to you. Where do you find most of your customers?

Today Show Explainer

Register Tape Advertising Explainer

Digital Boost Explainer

MapBoost Explainer

Digital Integration Explainer

Find Local

Shopping Cart Advertising

Increase Your Reach with Digital Boost

Digital Boost pairs online banner ads with your in-store advertising to speed up and increase impressions and performance.

Put Your Message In The Hands of Local Shoppers

Complete the form and I will contact you within 1 business day to discuss available grocery stores, weekly impressions, and how to get started.