Call Juan at 909-272-9625

Reach Thousands of Local Shoppers Daily

Generate New Customers With Targeted Coupon Advertising

Work with Juan Oropeza

Allow us to partner your business with our supermarkets and gain access to thousands of shoppers by becoming one of our recommended business.



Grocery Stores Available

Stater Bros
Food 4 Less

Locations Served

Southern California
Register Tapes Unlimited at IndoorMedia
Why Coupon Receipt Advertising Really Works
Target Local Shoppers Likely to Buy
Place your advertising in the same communities where your potential customers live, not zip codes away! Choose from over 9,000 available grocery stores in the U.S. and Canada to target ideal customers within a 3-5 mile radius.
Deliver Your Message Directly
Your coupon ad is placed directly into the hands of 20,000 shoppers weekly! This constant and direct exposure puts your business right in front of shoppers who are ready to buy and looking for a great, local deal.
Low Cost and High Distribution
With a single supermarket location, you can reach local shoppers between 15,000-40,000 times a week. Each ad is printed in full color, to your exact specifications, and is delivered into the hands of thousands of local consumers daily for a fraction of 1 cent per impression. With your current advertising mix, how much are you paying to reach that same customer?
Track Results
Coupon advertising is extremely trackable. This allows businesses to understand results on a granular level, getting insight into which offers are generating profit.

Today Show Explainer

Register Tape Advertising Explainer

Digital Boost Explainer

MapBoost Explainer

Digital Integration Explainer

Find Local

Shopping Cart Advertising

Increase Your Reach with Digital Boost

Digital Boost pairs online banner ads with your in-store advertising to speed up and increase impressions and performance.

Put Your Message In The Hands of Local Shoppers

Complete the form and I will contact you within 1 business day to discuss available grocery stores, weekly impressions, and how to get started.