Unleash the Power of Multi-Channel Advertising

Exclusive in-grocery-store advertising powered by digital advertising.

IndoorMedia: Tried and True Advertising Programs to


Increase customer engagement by 166% by adding a second advertising channel to your advertising campaign!

How do you build the reputation of your brand and meet customers where they spend their time? Surveys show trust for digital advertising is down. Yet, your customers spend hours every day online. Building on the power of print, IndoorMedia has introduced a comprehensive program designed to combine the best of both worlds making your message accessible and cost-effective.


Our in-grocery-store advertising programs stand as the First, Best choice for effectively reaching your local market. Positioned at the community’s core—grocery stores—IndoorMedia’s advertisements ensure visibility to your potential customers who typically visit these stores once or twice a week. With over three decades of experience, we have fine-tuned our marketing strategies to continually drive repeat business and attract new patrons for local enterprises.

Expanding upon this solid base, IndoorMedia enhances its advertising offerings by incorporating Multi-channel advertising strategies, including Digital advertising, to bolster your in-store campaign. By employing Display ads, PPC, SEM, and various other methods, IndoorMedia offers a comprehensive solution that delivers results that are more than the sum of its parts.

Customer Story: Mountain Mike's Pizza, Oakland, CA

“My husband and I took new ownership of a Mountain Mike’s early this year. The previous owner was already using register tape with Safeway and had great success. We get 270 orders per month that we can track. Then Judd (sales rep) introduced us to IndoorMedia’s Digital Boost program. 


My online orders have increased because of the digital boost.  Overall, I will say that both register tape combined with Digital Boost is really the best way to dominate your community and market share. We will renew when it’s time. Judd and the whole team at IndoorMedia have been very professional and I can tell that they truly care about our success.”


Kiran Kaur
Mountain Mike’s Pizza
Oakland, CA

Register Tape Ad
Digital Boost Ad
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Coupon Receipt Advertising is Profitable For:

Shopping Cart Advertising is Proven to Work For:

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“I need to drive new customers to my store.”

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“I need increased brand recognition in my community.”


Call 888.475.0993 to find out if your industry is one of the 30+ industries IndoorMedia offers marketing services to.

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