Chiropractic, acupuncture, rehab, physiotherapy, exercise, animal chiropractic
Word of mouth has been the best. I also do local events.
Doctorate in Chiropractic, acupuncture certification, fmt certification, animal chiropractic license and national certification
1 – I am the owner and chiropractor in this establishment.
I have always wanted to work in the health industry. At first I planned on being a neurologist and eventual neurosurgeon. After working with a chiropractor, I felt that chiropractic fits my vision of health more than becoming a medical doctor. I enjoy working with patients to help restore their health naturally while avoiding the drugs, injections, and surgeries when possiblle.
Patients are welcomed into the office by Dr Martin. After a bit of paperwork, you enter into the exam room where you and doctor Martin discuss your expectations and health history. Dr Martin then performs an exam to determine the best possible treatment. Then the treatment is performed on the same day.
Chiropractors typically don’t compete with each other. I encourage all of my patients to find the chiropractor that fits their health vision the best.
Animal chiropractic is pretty atypical. I have patients bringing in their dogs and cats and I occasionally go visit a barn to adjust horses and other large animals.